My reflection after getting distinction awards in year 2013.
We are now enjoying 34 years more of our life expectancy compared to what it was 300 years ago. The usual Jewish birthday wish “Live up to 120” is actually not far from reach…
As I look back, I could divide my life into three major time periods:
The first one up to my 28th was my education, which is actually still continuing process. The second one, I consider as procreation, was up to my 55th. Now, I am trying to explore a new life course space.
The question is how? We could spend more time on leisure. I discovered that the definition, the meaning of the word leisure in Hebrew “Schoole“ (ת’) של בית-ספר, של חינוך), and Greek “scole“ (Σχολείο) is learning. Yes, it is the same as English word school. The vision of pleasurable learning activity goes hand-in-hand with emotional experience coming from music. Music is serving as an emotional mirror of our life events, still providing learning challenges as you go deeper into exploring Arts.
I consider myself lucky because it is my life time hobby and occupation as well. I do enjoy learning new methods in teaching, new gadgets and computer innovations, but the most wonderful learning experiences I am getting are from interaction with students, colleagues and people around me. I am witnessing how people coping with aging and still demonstrating positive approach in their life while overcoming some difficulties. It is impressive and inspiring at the same time.
As we age we are more inclined to getting deeper vision into things we are interested in. We learn and discover new depth in Life and Arts which are definitely interconnected. For example; Beethoven took 51 second long popular waltz created by composer and publisher Diabelli and created 15 min stunning masterpiece by the end of his life when he was already very ill and deaf. Let`s keep climbing and looking for opportunities to enjoy our life fully. As baby boomers and seniors we are trying to learn how to maximize any potential enjoyment of our life extension.
Both, the Volunteer Man of the Year 2013 from the Jewish Federation and the Special Teachers from ORMTA Awards belong to people around me. They are my inspiration and driving source and I am grateful for that gift from them!
Thank you!
Leon Karan