I have been Mr. Karan`s student since 1998, first at Leon`s Music Studio, and then at McMaster University. Through Mr. Karan`s tutelage I progressed as a pianist, winning many competitions, and ultimately received a Bachelor of Music degree at McMaster University this year. I felt privileged when Mr. Karan asked me to teach for Leon’s Music
Studio, where I taught from September 2009 until June 2011. During the course of this time I had the pleasure of teaching five students, where I learned a great deal about piano pedagogy from practical experience and through Mr. Karan’s guidance.
This year I will be attending teacher’s college at OISE, and the teaching techniques I developed through teaching piano will be invaluable to me in my future endeavours. Also, it was a pleasure seeing these students progress as musicians, and it was a pleasure working with Mr. Karan, who always tried to make sure that both I and my students were satisfied with our teaching and learning experiences. I hope that Leon’s Music Studio will continue schooling many pianists in a professional manner in the years to come
Yurij Petlura